Friday, September 9, 2011

Weather Warfare

Ever thought of throwing a bolt of lightning at your enemy, sending a giant wave upon them or causing a drought where you want it to be? These things are common things to find in a comic book, but now science fiction is turning into reality.

Weather warfare might be the new way that we fight our wars, rewriting the course of history as we know it. Scientists all around the world are racing against time to fight to be the first in artificially produce and trigger lightning. A single flash of lightning can travel at speeds of 60,000m/s, reaching temperatures of 30,000 degree Celsius. Weaponizing and manipulating such a force would be unbelievable. It would be the ultimate weapon of war and making Armageddon that much easier. You might ask, then, if lightning is so deadly, why won’t modern civilization be destroyed by natural lightning during lightning storms? The fact is that only 1% of all lightning ever touches the ground, and that things on the ground do get hit by lightning from time to time. Controlling lightning might be closer than you think.

A man made lightning could be produced by putting 2 Tesla Coils beside each other, pumping current into them would lead to an arc, crossing from one Tesla Coil to the other, or in other words, creating lightning. A Tesla Coil is a resonant transformer circuit invented by Nikola Tesla, a genius of electricity, often known as the great rival of Thomas Edison. It is used to produce high voltage, relatively high current, high frequency alternating current electricity. It could also wirelessly transmit electricity, using the air as a conductor. Although the lightning produced is nothing like the ones produced naturally, but it is still able to kill. A small mistake could lead to a terrible casualty.

Nikola Tesla once had a theory that we can control the weather using extreme low frequency waves, or ELF waves, to alter and control the weather. The ELF waves would boom up to the Ionosphere, heating and expanding it, causing a cavity, making the stratosphere, the layer of gasses in our atmosphere right below the ionosphere, fill up the cavity left behind. The jet streams, water vapour travelling in the stratosphere in high speeds, would need to travel extra distances, weakening the jet streams, resulting in less water reaching to some places. Although he did not live to see it come true, weather altering machines do exist on this planet. June 1976, a new and powerful radio signal appeared worldwide out of nowhere. These radio signals trace to one spot, the outskirts of Mykolaiv in Ukraine. It is an experimental system, Duga-1, dubbed “The Russian Woodpecker” for its sharp tapping noise it gave out at 10hz resembled the pecking of a woodpecker. Coincidentally, or miraculously, on the very year, California experienced their worst drought ever recorded. Is this a deliberate act or just a mere coincidence? No one knows. The signals stopped appearing on 1989. But then, the Americans soon follow up with one of their own, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP. HAARP was erected for the American military to test the effects of ELF waves on the weather.

When hurricane Katrina hit America, many suspected that its abnormal path, power and speed at which it gained power, were all caused by weather warfare. Katrina formed at Bahamas, during hurricane season, August 23, 2005 as a category 1. Then, it strengthened rapidly, and made a sharp turn into the Gulf of Mexico, towards New Orleans, Louisiana, where there was the most severe loss of life. Katrina was the most costly hurricane that struck America, and 6th from the top for overall strength of all recorded hurricane in the Atlantic. It was also the most costly natural disaster that ever hit America.

America was not hit by any other hurricanes after the tragic events of Katrina. This was thought to be the doing of ELF waves, pulsed to deflect oncoming hurricanes. There are 4 other such facilities in America, and another dozen in the other parts of the world. America has the power to alter weather at their will with its control of 5 such facilities.
Research, scientific experiments and breakthroughs would continue to fuel the progressing improvement on weather warfare. Manipulating weather might just be the new, revolutionary way to wage and win wars of the future.

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